About me
I am a linguist with a focus on (quantitative) typology. I am also interested in using corpus linguistic and computational approaches in order to find out more about grammatical structures, their crosslinguistic distribution and their development.
I received my PhD thesis in 2018 from the University of Leipzig. My dissertation was a typological overview of articles and article systems. Currently, I am working at the University of Freiburg at the Department of Linguistics .
You can find my CV here .
Current projects
- Efficiency I am interested in assessing the role and the effects of efficiency in shaping grammar. Currently, I am working on examining efficiency effects in verbal person markers, in variants of layering and with zero markers in inflection.
- Methods in typology Together with Matías Guzmán Naranjo, we are developing and testing statistical methods for large-scale typological studies, e.g. for better bias control and for capturing spatial relations between languages. Related to that, we are also interested in evaluating how replicable typological findings are, especially if using identical data from previous studies but applying different methods for the analysis. This allows us to assess to what extent typological findings are robust across different statistical and methodological approaches.
- Grammaticalization Together with Andrej Malchukov, Walter Bisang and Marvin Martiny, we examine the association and structure between various parameters of grammaticalization using a world-wide databased of grammaticalization paths. Building on that, with Marvin Martiny, we work on a qualitative overview and database of grammaticalization phenomena in South American indigenous languages.
- Silent pauses Together with Naomi Peck, we work on the prosody-syntax interface by analyzing the co-occurrence of silent pauses and syntactic boundaries in spontaneous speech data from a typological perspective.
- Conditionals Using the dataset from a previous study (Becker, Guzmán Naranjo & Ochs 2023), I am currently preparing a typological overview of conditional constructions.
- R software I am building an R package called lingtypR to make the manipulation and visualization of crosslinguistic datasets easier. You can dowload the package from gitlab and find an overview of its current functions here .
University of Freiburg
Department of Linguistics
Belfortstr. 18
D-79098 Freiburg
Work in progress
- Bisang, Walter, Becker, Laura, Malchukov, Andrej & Marvin Martiny. Under Review. Grammaticalization scenarios: constraining typological variation. Linguistic Typology.
- Becker, Laura. In Preparation. Frequency effects in verbal argument indexing: A spoken typology approach.
- Becker, Laura. 2021. Articles in the world’s languages. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Journal articles
- Becker, Laura & Matías Guzmán Naranjo. Accepted. Replication & methodological robustness in typology. Linguistic Typology.   (Appendix)
- Guzmán Naranjo, Matías, Becker, Laura, Schiele, Miriam & I-Ying Lin. Accepted. Why modelling space is hard: No evidence for a serial founder effect in Polynesian phoneme inventories. Linguistics.
- Becker, Laura. 2024. Zero marking in inflection: A token-based approach. Journal of Language Modelling. 12(2). 349–413.
- Peck, Naomi & Laura Becker. 2024, aop. Syntactic pausing? Re-examining the associations. Linguistics Vanguard.
- Laura Becker & Andrej Malchukov. 2022. Semantic maps and typological hierarchies: Evidence for the Actionality Hierarchy. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 41(1). 31-66.
- Norder, Sietze, Laura Becker, Hedvig Skirgård, Leonardo Arias, Alena Witzlack-Makarevich & Rik van Gijn. 2022. glottospace: R package for language mapping and geospatial analysis of linguistic and cultural data. Journal of Open Source Software 7(77). 4303.
- Guzmán Naranjo, Matías & Laura Becker. 2022. Statistical bias control in typology. Linguistic Typology 26(3). 605-670.
- Guzmán Naranjo, Matías & Laura Becker. 2021. Coding efficiency in nominal inflection: expectedness and type frequency effects. Linguistics Vanguard 7(s3).
- Becker, Laura & Gertrud Schneider-Blum. 2020. Morphological marking of contrast in Tima. Glossa 5(1). 1–35.
- Becker, Laura & Matías Guzmán Naranjo. 2020. Psych predicates in European languages: A parallel corpus study. Language Typology and Universals 73(4). 483–523.
- Dąbrowska, Ewa, Laura Becker & Luca Miorelli. 2020. Is adult second language acquisition defective? Frontiers in Psychology 11. 1–14.
Book chapters & confence proceedings
- Becker, Laura, Guzmán Naranjo, Matías & Samira Ochs. 2023. Socio-linguistic effects on conditional constructions: A quantitative typological study. In Silvia Ballarè & Guglielmo Inglese (eds.), Sociolinguistic and Typological Perspectives on Language Variation, 121-154. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Becker, Laura, Driemel, Imke & Jude Nformi. 2019. Focus in Limbum. In Samson Lotven et al. (eds.), African linguistics across the disciplines: Selected papers from the 48th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (Contemporary African Linguistics), 219–237. Berlin: Language Science Press.
- Guzmán Naranjo, Matías & Laura Becker. 2018. Quantitative word order typology with UD. In Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT 2018), December 13–14, 2018, Oslo University, Norway, 91–104. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press.
- Becker, Laura. 2018. Aspectuality in Hungarian, German, and Slavic. A parallel corpus study. In Beata Trawinski et al. (eds.), Grammar and Corpora 2016, 183–207. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing.
- Laura Becker. 2024. Natalia Levshina. 2022. Communicative Efficiency: Language Structure and Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Linguistic Typology.
Working papers and unpublished manuscripts
- Becker, Laura. 2017. Vowel-consonant harmony in Uyghur. Leipzig.
- Becker, Laura & Jude Nformi. 2016. Focus and verb doubling in Limbum. In Replicative Processes in Grammar, vol. 93 (LAB), 57–84. Leipzig: Institut für Linguistik der Universität Leipzig.
Invited talks
- Spoken typology: Integrating phonetics and grammar. Emerging Topics in Typology (ETT), University of Stockholm, 10 June 2024
- Zero argument indexing on verbs. University of Mainz, 8 May 2023
- Zero argument indexing on verbs: Patterns and explanations. University of Potsdam, 18 January 2023
- Zero marking in inflectional morphology: Patterns and explanations. Vielfaltslinguistik IV, University of Bremen, 5 June 2021
- The crosslinguistics distribution and development of articles. University of Bamberg, 20 November 2019
- The crosslinguistics distribution and development of articles. University of Mainz, 3 November 2019
- Articles in the world's languages. Nordic Night Seminar for linguistics, Helsinki, 15 December 2018
- Articles in the world's languages. University of Cologne, 29 November 2018
- A typology of articles. University of Jena, 25 January 2018
Conference talks
- Towards typologising silent pauses. [with Naomi Peck] 14th Conference of the Association of Linguistic Typology, University of Austin, TX, 16 December 2022
- Zero argument indexing on verbs: Patterns and explanations. 14th Conference of the Association of Linguistic Typology, University of Austin, TX, 17 December 2022
- The distribution of zero marking in inflectional morphology. International Morphology Meeting, Budapest, 2 September 2022
- Phoneme inventory size in Polynesian language. [with Matías Guzmán Naranjo and Miriam Schiele] 55th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea, University of Bucharest, 25 August 2022
- How many types of definites? Evidence from typology. 1st meeting of the Network "Definiteness across domains", Berlin, 30 June 2022
- Syntactic Pausing? Re-examining the associations. [with Naomi Peck] Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 6, SOAS, 16 December 2021
- Areal, family, and sociolinguistic effects on conditional constructions. [with Matías Guzmán Naranjo & Samira Ochs] 54th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 1 September 2021
- Controlling for geographical, areal, and family biases in typology. [with Matías Guzmán Naranjo] 43th DGfS meeting, Freiburg, 25 February 2021
- Can experience with written language change mental grammar? [with Ewa Dąbrowska] UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2020, University of Birmingham, 29 July 2020
- The development of nonspecific articles. 13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, University of Pavia, 4 September 2019
- What do grammaticality judgements tell us about grammar? [with Ewa Dąbrowska & Luca Miorelli] Conference: What is grammaticality?, University of Bamberg, 29 June 2019
- The contrast marker =i/=ɪ in Tima (Niger-Congo). [with Gertrud Schneider-Blum] 41st Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), University of Bremen, 6 March 2019
- Quantitative word order typology with UD. [with Matías Guzmán Naranjo] 17th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theory, Oslo, 14 December 2018
- Expressing referentiality in languages with and without articles. Grammar and Corpora, Paris, 16 November 2018
- Word order correlations from a quantitative perspective. [with Matías Guzmán Naranjo] Grammar and Corpora, Paris, 15 November 2018
- A typology of articles. Syntax of the world's languages 8, Paris, 5 September 2018
- The typology of article inflection. 18th International Morphology Meeting, Budapest, 13 May 2018
- Definiteness in languages with and without articles., 12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Canberra, 15 December 2017
- The Form-frequency hypothesis and case systems., 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Zurich, 10 September 2017
- Limbum focus strategies. [with Imke Driemel and Jude Nformi]. TripleA 4, University of Gothenburg, 10 June 2017.
- Two types of focus in Limbum. [with Imke Driemel & Jude Nformi]. Annual Conference on African Linguistics 48, Bloomington, 30 March 2017.
- Testing the Form-Frequency Hypothesis. [with Matías Guzmán Naranjo]. 39. Jahrestagung der DGfS, Saarbrücken, 8 March 2017.
- Discourse reference in languages with and witout articles. [with Jingting Ye]. Conference on Typology and Grammar for Young Scholars, St Petersburg, 24 November 2016.
- Does Hungarian have grammatical aspect? A parallel corpus study. Grammar and Corpora, Mannheim, 11 November 2016.
- Psych predicates from a cross-linguistic perspective. [with Matías Guzmán Naranjo]. Syntax of the World's Languages VII, Mexico City, 17 August 2016.
- Focus constructions in Limbum (Grassfields Bantu). [with Jude Nformi]. Syntax of the World's Languages VII, Mexico City, 19 August 2016.
- Aspect in Hungarian and Slavic. 2nd Usage-based Linguistics Conference, Tel Aviv, 16 June 2016.
- A typology of psych-verbs. A parallel corpus study. Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium, Olomouc, 10 June 2106.
- The existential-construction in Hungarian. Budapest Linguistics Conference, Budapest, 20 June 2015.
- The pragmatic functions of Hungarian preverbs. Syntax of the World's Languages VI, Pavia, 8 September 2014.
Conference posters
- MultiSub: a multi-parallel corpus of movie subtitles. [with Fahime Same & Alessia Cassarà]. 41st Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), University of Bremen, 6 March 2019
- Quantitative methods in African linguistics - Predicting plurals in Hausa. [with Matías Guzmán Naranjo]. Annual Conference on African Linguistics 48, Bloomington, 29 March 2017.
- Vowel-consonant harmony in Uyghur. Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics 13, International Christian University, Tokyo, 27 May 2017.
Summer 2024
- Sign languages (M.A.)
- Linguistics: Current research (M.A./PhD)
- Lecture series (M.A./PhD)
Winter 2023/24
- Diversity in the world's languages (M.A.)
- Efficiency in language and communication (M.A.)
- Linguistics: Current research (M.A./PhD)
Summer 2022
- Sign languages (M.A.)
- Linguistics: Current research (M.A./PhD)
Winter 2022/23
- English-lexifier creoles (M.A.)
- Artificial grammar learning (M.A.)
- Linguistics: Current research (M.A./PhD)
Winter 2020/21
- The structure of Australian languages (M.A.)
Summer 2020
- Introduction to English linguistics I (B.A.)
- Ultimate attainment in SLA. Introduction to R for psycholinguistics (B.A.)
- Extra-linguistic factors shaping grammar (M.A.)
Winter 2019/20
- Introduction to English linguistics II (B.A.)
- The influence of written and spoken modalities on language (B.A.)
- Functional and diachronic explanations in language typology (M.A.)
Summer 2019
- Introduction to English linguistics I (B.A.)
- Automatic and controlled processes in language use (B.A.)
- English-based pidgins and creoles (M.A.)
Summer 2017
- Die Struktur des Ungarischen (B.A.)
Summer 2015
- Typologie (B.A.)
Winter 2014/15
- Syntaktische Theorien (B.A.)